Best Seller Badge


increased from £1494 to £9301 in the last 30 days

Conversion Rate

increased from 26% to 41%

Over the course of two weeks, as a result of daily tweaks to the PPC campaigns, our organic ranking for the main keyword rose to 6th position.
Notably, we attained the Best Seller Badge for a two-day, which tripled our sales.


• Selling within an intensely competitive niche where the top sellers boast over 50,000 reviews and have been present in the market for over a decade.


• Achieving a top-ranking on the first page for a highly competitive main keyword.


We undertook advanced SEO optimisation and implemented a robust PPC ranking structure. This targeted the primary keywords, as well as confronting competitors using Sponsored Display ads.

In addition, we refined our pricing strategy to enhance the Click-Through Rate and made changes to the main product image to further this objective.